Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here goes nothing..

I have been wanting to just jump into this thing called "blogging" but first I had to think about would I actually write that would be interesting enough for other people to read. Surely my life isn't that interesting right? Well here goes nothing...

My name is Sara Boggs and I am a newlywed that has recently hit the 5 month anniversary mark. Whahoo! My husband Brett, is the kindest and most helpful, loving man I have ever met. We both knew after a month or so of dating that this thing was for real. This is our son Braylen Wade, he is 22 months old and a real spit fire. He is a lover of all things Elmo, Toy Story, music, animals, and food.

I do work outside of the home, even though it breaks my heart. We have to make ends meet somehow. I work 30 hours a week and Braylen goes to a daycare about 1 mile from our house. Just ask my husband, if I had it my way, the three of us would never leave each others sides. I am a big fan of what I have deemed "family days". 

We are an average family, we don't have money to go blow on whatever we'd like. Currently we are working on saving to buy a house. Our very own home. Although, I believe wherever we are is home. I'll be sharing our budget, life, love, and all over triumphs and tribulations. Hopefully you will stick around with me. 

So here you have it, we are the boggs.



  1. Bravo. Good for you! Your life will prove to be unique at the very least, if not terribly interesting. Way to put yourself out there. Looking forward to more!

  2. Hi Sara! I came across your blog and I feel like I am in the same boat that you are in. I too am a newlywed and trying to start my blog. I follow "The Small Things Blog" and I only wish mine could be as good as hers haha. I would love for you to follow mine as well. I am trying to get as many followers as I can but I'm finding it kind of difficult. I have heard that the more blogs you follow the more followers you will get. Just some helpful advice for the new blogger :o)
